7DTD A20 Serverseitige Scripts - Server-side scriptsappend xpath - Höhenangabe am Kompass - Height indication on the compass

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append xpath - Höhenangabe am Kompass - Height indication on the compass


Ungelesener Beitrag von sx_schaddi » Samstag 25. Dezember 2021, 15:24

Mit diesem Eintrag fügen wir eine Höhenangabe am Kompass hinzu.
With this entry we add an altitude indication on the compass

Screenshot 2020-09-25 174833.jpg
Screenshot 2020-09-25 174833.jpg (19.45 KiB) 4680 mal betrachtet

Code: Alles auswählen

<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']"></remove>
<append xpath="/windows">
	<window name="windowCompass" anchor="CenterTop" pos="-240,-9" width="480" height="43" controller="CompassWindow">
		<sprite depth="0" sprite="ui_game_header_fill" pos="47,0" width="386" height="43" type="sliced" color="150,150,150,150" />
		<sprite depth="1" sprite="ui_game_header_fill" pos="50,-3" width="380" height="37" type="sliced" color="50,50,50,220" />

		<!--<texture depth="8" texture="Textures/UI/ui_game_compass" pos="50, -15" width="380" height="23" color="[iconColor]" name="compassTexture" rect_size="0.25,1" rect_offset=".8,0" />-->
		<texture depth="8" texture="Textures/UI/Compass/overlay-{gamelanguage}" pos="50, -12" width="380" height="27" color="[iconColor]" name="compassTexture3" rect_size="0.25,1" rect_offset="{#compass_rotation / 360 + 0.0625 - 0.125},0" />

		<sprite pos="240,-60" sprite="" color="255,255,255,255" globalopacitymod="1.8">
			<label depth="2" width="300" height="30" text="{daytitle}: [{daycolor}]{day}[-] {timetitle}: {time}" font_size="28" pivot="center" effect="outline" upper_case="true" justify="center"/>
<sprite depth="2" name="Icon" sprite="ui_game_symbol_climb" size="24,24" pos="332,-45" color="[white]" />
<label depth="2" name="TextContent" pos="388,-60" font_size="28" color="[white]" globalopacitymod="1.8" justify="center" pivot="center" text="{mapelevation}[-] M" height="30" controller="MapStats" effect="outline" />		