7DTD A20 Serverseitige Scripts - Server-side scripts ⇒ append xpath - Höhenangabe am Kompass - Height indication on the compass
- sx_schaddi
- Site Admin
- Beiträge: 52
- Registriert: Dienstag 21. Mai 2019, 11:41
append xpath - Höhenangabe am Kompass - Height indication on the compass
Mit diesem Eintrag fügen wir eine Höhenangabe am Kompass hinzu.
With this entry we add an altitude indication on the compass
With this entry we add an altitude indication on the compass
Code: Alles auswählen
<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']"></remove>
<append xpath="/windows">
<window name="windowCompass" anchor="CenterTop" pos="-240,-9" width="480" height="43" controller="CompassWindow">
<sprite depth="0" sprite="ui_game_header_fill" pos="47,0" width="386" height="43" type="sliced" color="150,150,150,150" />
<sprite depth="1" sprite="ui_game_header_fill" pos="50,-3" width="380" height="37" type="sliced" color="50,50,50,220" />
<!--<texture depth="8" texture="Textures/UI/ui_game_compass" pos="50, -15" width="380" height="23" color="[iconColor]" name="compassTexture" rect_size="0.25,1" rect_offset=".8,0" />-->
<texture depth="8" texture="Textures/UI/Compass/overlay-{gamelanguage}" pos="50, -12" width="380" height="27" color="[iconColor]" name="compassTexture3" rect_size="0.25,1" rect_offset="{#compass_rotation / 360 + 0.0625 - 0.125},0" />
<sprite pos="240,-60" sprite="" color="255,255,255,255" globalopacitymod="1.8">
<label depth="2" width="300" height="30" text="{daytitle}: [{daycolor}]{day}[-] {timetitle}: {time}" font_size="28" pivot="center" effect="outline" upper_case="true" justify="center"/>
<sprite depth="2" name="Icon" sprite="ui_game_symbol_climb" size="24,24" pos="332,-45" color="[white]" />
<label depth="2" name="TextContent" pos="388,-60" font_size="28" color="[white]" globalopacitymod="1.8" justify="center" pivot="center" text="{mapelevation}[-] M" height="30" controller="MapStats" effect="outline" />